The MODULAB explained during a roundtable at Pollutec, held in Paris 26-27 November
28 November 2024
Henry Pillière CEO of TerrAnalytiX

Henry Pillière, CEO of TerrAnalytiX

© Pollutec

Henry Pillière, CEO of TerrAnalytiX, participapted in the roundtable "Mining waste: from managing risk to managing potential resources"

Organised by BRGM, and held in the South stage on 26 November 2024, Henry had the opportunity to explain the pertinence and flexibility of the MODULAB, in the context of sustainable management of mining waste and resources exploration. Alongside BRGM and Pole Avenia, TerrAnalytiX was invited to bring an example of innovative equipment, i.e. the MODULAB, a mobile laboratory capable of analying chemistry and mineraology.

The MODULAB is a flexible solution, comprising a core scanner (ScanLab) and a compact XRD-XRF (VanLab), both supported by LuxREM software making it possible to have a results turnaround in realtime, on site - right there where decisions need to be made.  

See below for more info!