Building user-friendly software for rapid data-driven decision making in the mining industry
SOLSA-DEM'UP Winter School challenge
The challenge for the students to solve: design an intuitive interface for the SOLSA system on mobile and tablet devices.
December 17-20, 2024
Polo Ferrari 2 - Via Sommarive 9, Povo (Trento)
FabLab UniTrento
University students and researchers with a background in Geology, Industrial Engineering, Information Technology, Management, Materials Science, Physics are welcome to apply
Organized by the University of Trento (Department of Industrial Engineering), Italy, and Hub Innovation Trentino - HIT, Italy, this Winter School is run in the framework of the EU Upscaling Project: SOLSA-DEM’UP, financed by the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) through the KIC-Raw Materials.
SOLSA-DEM’UP aims at bringing to market the first automated expert system for on-line drill core and sample analysis. The concept is based on an integrated drilling coupled with an automated scanner and phase identification software, piloting various analytical instruments and interpreting the results in real time.
The School intends to provide the participants with the main tools necessary for mastering this expert system, involving a multidisciplinary perspective in mining exploration.
The participants will receive a certificate of participation and will have the possibility to have recognised F-type ECTS credits (check with your institute).
Deadline for applications is 25 Novemebr 2025