Some twenty participants gathered together at Eramet Ideas’ office at Trappes, France, on 5 and 6 September 2022. Most partners were represented, at the kick-off, as well as EIT-RM with the Project Officer.
After a brief presentation of Eramet Ideas by its CEO, each partner gave a presentation focusing on the the skills, experiences and role of each one in the project, before discussing in more detail the work programme.
A visit was organized to the MODULAB prototype and then the different laboratories of Eramet Ideas (chemical analysis, mineralogical characterization, beneficiation pilot hall, hydro- and pyro-metallurgical pilot hall).
This project aims at bringing to market the first automated expert system for on-line drill cores and sample analysis.
Many thanks to all of our partners, and let’s bring exploration campaigns into the digital age together!

SOLSA-DEM'UP partners at Eramet Ideas headquarters for the kick-off meeting
The SOLSA-DEM'UP project is funded by EIT raw Materials
SOLSA-DEM'UP project
01/09/2022 - 31/08/2025